Common Myths about FIV

It’s time to talk about FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus).  FIV is a widely misunderstood condition; as a result, FIV+ cats are less likely to be adopted and some shelters still recommend euthanasia. Here are a couple things to know:

    • A positive FIV test does not necessarily mean the cat has FIV.  Any cat who has ever received a vaccination for FIV can test positive due to the FIV antibodies in their bloodstream.
    • FIV is not spread through casual contact.  It is spread through deep, vicious bite wounds typically inflicted by intact toms fighting over territory.
    • FIV+ cats can live a long and healthy life.  While they are immunocompromised, the virus is slow acting and can take years to have a noticeable effect on health.  In fact, not every FIV+ cat progresses to the point of immune deficiency.

Want more information?  Click here for more resources.

Ready to open up your home to a deserving FIV+ cat?  You can find out adoptable FIV+ cat HERE.


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